merbabu > This is one of the mountain, the most active of the world. because until now Merapi continues to show activity.
Throughout its history, has been estimated at Merapi erupt more than 100 times. Start sometime It erupts. However, after a tradition in Indonesia in the century-5, in the new century-9 have important information about the eruption of Merapi is very large. Previously, experts estimate it is only suspected based on the sediment (soil layer)
Then, about eleven centuries past, standing in a large kingdom, Mataram (Hindu). Because the king Rakai Sumba Dyah wawa ended with the sudden, experts connect to the eruption of Merapi.
Merapi refugees 1961
According to RW van Bemmelen in his book The Geology of Indonesia (1949), very extraordinary explosion and cause most of the peak of Merapi vanish, even layer of soil will erase southwest fold increase, among others, formed the Mount Gendol. Burst is also accompanied by an earthquake, flood lava, ash and rain, and stones that chilling (Indonesian National History II, 1985, pp. 155).
This natural disaster, as determined by the archeologists Boechari-deep-field epigraphy can damage the capital of Medang settlements and some areas in Central Java. By the community, this is called pralaya disaster or destruction of the world. Major disaster in a century which is estimated to Mataram in the 9-to-10.
Which implied, Rukam inscription (Saka 829 or 907 BC) mentioned the dedication Rukam village by Nini Haji Rakryan Sanjiwana the village affected volcanic eruptions. Most likely, the volcano Merapi. This is because the inscription found in the area Rukam Temanggung, Central Java.
Maybe going back to the 1672 eruption. Babad Tanah manuscript classic cow say so, "At the same time with the eruption of Merapi, intimidating bluster. Mixed with a large stone fly collide fire. If observed, such as hail. Lava flows in the river quickly. Many villages were destroyed and buried. Many people died in rural areas, people who fear lunge Mataram hot lava and ash rain "(Bambang Soelist, 2002).
victims of Merapi in 1930
Due to the eruption, the sky above the kingdom of Mataram (Islam) according to the newspaper darkness for 24 hours. Events occurred on August 4, 1672, when the property in the Netherlands Marken ship in the Indian Ocean, south Kedu. Merapi eruption 3000 people eat the victim, not including the rice fields, gardens, and other property (djulianto susiantio 2006)
soekarno see the victim in selo, Boyolali
How terrible disaster Merapi first epoch, among others recorded impressions of the findings Sambisari temple (8th century). The temple is located some kilometers from Prambanan Temple is found in the depth of about seven meters.
Because the forms are still relatively intact, the person interpreting the earthquake is not due to the close, but the material that cover the mountain of fire.
From the results of research material comes from vulkanik materials. Thus clearly Merapi eruption so powerful, especially if be, the location Sambisari temple is located in the radius of a dozen kilometers from Merapi.
In addition Sambisari, temple-temple that had been the victim of Merapi is Kajangkoso, Asu, Pendem, Gebang, Morangan, Kedulan, Purwomartani, and Pacitan.
Many objects arkeologis also been found from around Merapi. Not be denied, many times Merapi eruption was bury ancient cities in the surrounding areas. Unfortunately, until now the archeologists have not been found ancient cities that.
Kendalanya is that many sites have been closed land settlements, plantations, and rice field population. Therefore, the urban research sites need financing and time is very large. This is because the urban areas to find the site, archeologists have to do ekskavasi horizontally and bulk.
various sources
this mounth in cetral java? or sumatra ?
ReplyDeletemas merbabu itu dijawa, bukan sumatra
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