Sunday, April 12, 2009

problem of poverty

Hunger and World Poverty

About 25,000 people die every day of hunger or hunger-related causes, according to the United Nations. This is one person every three and a half seconds, as you can see on this display. Unfortunately, it is children who die most often. 

Yet there is plenty of food in the world for everyone. The problem is that hungry people are trapped in severe poverty. They lack the money to buy enough food to nourish themselves. Being constantly malnourished, they become weaker and often sick. This makes them increasingly less able to work, which then makes them even poorer and hungrier. This downward spiral often continues until death for them and their families.

There are effective programs to break this spiral. For adults, there are “food for work” programs where the adults are paid with food to build schools, dig wells, make roads, and so on. This both nourishes them and builds infrastructure to end the poverty. For children, there are “food for education” programs where the children are provided with food when they attend school. Their education will help them to escape from hunger and global poverty. 

Hunger and World Poverty Sources: United Nations World Food Program (WFP), Oxfam, UNICEF.


AIDS is now second only to the Black Death as the largest epidemic in history. AIDS kills over 2 million people a year, or about one person every 15 seconds, as you can see here. This death toll surprisingly includes a lot of children, who are often infected with the HIV virus during pregnancy or through breast-feeding. 

The toll is worst in Africa, where millions of parents have died, leaving children as orphans. Often teachers have died as well, leaving schools empty. Doctors and nurses have died, leaving hospitals and medical clinics with nothing. Farmers have died, leaving crops in the fields. Entire villages have been devastated. 

Yet AIDS is a preventable and increasingly treatable disease. The huge majority of deaths can be stopped. Through education, the use of condoms, and proper medicine, AIDS has been brought under control in the developed countries. The same can be true in Africa and other poor areas of the world. 

Sources: Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), World Health Organization (WHO).


Diarrheal diseases such as cholera and dysentery kill about 1.6 million people each year, almost all of them children. Diarrhea is most often a result of unclean water, unsafe sanitation, or poor hygiene.

Strong, healthy people can recover from diarrhea in a few hours or days at most. However, individuals weakened by malnutrition or sickness often cannot recover and start losing large amounts of fluids and salts. Without treatment, this may continue until they actually die of dehydration. Children become dehydrated faster than adults.

The treatment for diarrhea is surprisingly simple. Called Oral Rehydration Therapy (ORT), it is a mixture of water, salt, and sugar that replenishes the lost fluids in the body. This basic treatment has helped reduce diarrheal deaths by about two-thirds in the last 25 years. It is perhaps the height of human tragedy that still so many parents must watch a son or daughter die of diarrhea when the cure is so simple and so inexpensive. It is not difficult to make sure that even severely impoverished people have access to clean water, sugar, and salt.

Sources: UNICEF, World Health Organization (WHO), Rehydration Project.


In the entire history of humankind, it is believed that tuberculosis has killed more people than any other disease (in shorter periods of time, the epidemics of the Black Death and AIDS have killed more). Tuberculosis dates back to at least 4000 BC and was present in ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, and India. Known as consumption, it was responsible for one in five deaths in 17th century London. 

Tuberculosis is highly contagious and spreads through the air from coughing. If not treated, a person with TB infects an average of 10 to 15 new people each year. Once thought to be under control, tuberculosis still kills well over 1.5 million people each year, a figure that is now increasing slightly each year. 

In 1995 the World Health Organization launched a multi-pronged tuberculosis program called DOTS (Directly Observed Therapy). Since then it has successfully treated more than 22 million tuberculosis patients. Funding is needed so that this effective program can expand to reach all the people who need it. 

Sources: World Health Organization (WHO), Stop TB Partnership.


Over a million people die from malaria each year and many millions more are seriously weakened by it. Malaria is spread by mosquitoes. One bite from an infected mosquito can mean weeks of fever and exhaustion, preventing children from going to school and adults from working to provide for their families. Close to 90% of malaria cases occur in Africa.

Although malaria is treatable with anti-malarial drugs, these are often not available in the poorest areas. The best cure is prevention, and the best prevention is mosquito nets for beds. This bed netting protects people from mosquitoes while they sleep at night, when the mosquitoes come out. 

The cost for a bed net is $6, but since people in Africa often sleep two or more to a bed, the cost per person is about $3. Ideally, every person in the affected areas of Africa would be provided with a bed net. Besides saving lives, this would be an excellent economic investment, as the cost of malaria to Africans in lost productivity alone is estimated in the billions of dollars each year. 

Sources: UNICEF,
World Health Organization (WHO).

Measles and Other Childhood Diseases

The so-called childhood diseases of measles, pertussis (whooping cough), tetanus, and diphtheria are responsible for a little less than a million deaths per year. Of these diseases, measles takes the greatest toll. Fortunately, all of these diseases are preventable through inexpensive vaccines. Typically a child will receive one vaccine for measles and once vaccine for the other three diseases combined. 

Very recently, there has been great success with measles vaccinations. Between 2001 and 2005, the Measles Initiative, an international partnership backed by a number of organizations and individuals, vaccinated some 200 million children in poor countries. This cut the number of measles deaths by more than half.

At a cost of less than $1 per measles vaccination, this program shows how a relatively small amount of funding can make a huge difference in lives saved. There is no reason that this program cannot be extended to vaccinate all of the children who need it, provided enough funding is available. 

Sources: UNICEF, American Red Cross, World Health Organization (WHO).

Sunday, April 5, 2009

prambanan temple

merbabu > In the year 1733, this temple is found by CA. Lons a Dutch citizen, and in the year 1855, Jan Willem IJzerman start to clean and move some rocks and soil from the temple room. some time later Isaac Groneman perform large-scale destruction and the temple stones are stacked in haphazard along River Opak. In the year 1902-1903, Theodoor van ERP maintain that the collapse-prone. In the years 1918-1926, followed by ancient Jawatan (Oudheidkundige Dienst) in the bottom of the PJ Perquin with a more methodical and systematic, as known to the preceding discharge and the transfer of thousands of miles without thinking about the restoration effort back. In the year 1926 was extended until De Haan died in 1930. In the year 1931 was replaced by Ir. V.R. van Romondt until the year 1942 and then submitted it to the renovation of the son of Indonesia and continue until the year 1993. 

Many parts of the temple is renovated, the new stone, because the original stones are stolen or re-used elsewhere. A temple will be renovated only when at least 75% original stone is still there. Thus, many small temples, the temple was built not only look back and fondasinya only. 

Now, this temple is a protected site by UNESCO started in 1991. Among other things this means that the complex is protected and has a special status, eg also in situations of war. 

Prambanan is a Hindu temple in Southeast Asia, the main building is high 47m. 

This temple complex consists of 8 major temple or shrine, and more than 250 small temples. 

Three main temple called Trisakti and Hyang be devoted to the Trinity: the crusher Batara Siwa, Wisnu Batara the affairs and Brahma the Creator Batara. 

Siwa Temple in the middle, a four room, one room in each direction of the wind. While the first load an image Batara Siwa as three meters, the three other image-size statue which is smaller, the Durga iconography, sacred or Batara Siwa wife, Agastya, teachers, and Ganesa, son. 

Durga statue is also known as Rara or Lara / Loro Jongrang (slender virgin) by the local people. To be able to see the full article Loro Jonggrang. 

Two other temples Batara be devoted to Vishnu, which is facing to the north and one to be Batara Brahma, facing south. In addition there are several other small temples that are to the calf Nandini, vehicle Batara Siwa, the Angsa, vehicle Batara Brahma, and the Garuda, Vishnu Batara vehicle. 

And the relief around the edge twenty temples reflect wiracarita Ramayana. Version described here is different from the ancient Javanese Ramayana, but similar to the Ramayana story is revealed through oral tradition. In addition, this temple complex is surrounded by more than 250 temples of varying size and called perwara. In the Prambanan temple complex, there is also a museum store historical objects, including stone god Siwa Lingga, as a symbol of fertility.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


 Borobudur temple is located in the district magelang, central java. this temple is the largest Buddhist temple in indonesia. As one of the seven wonders of the world, Borobudur was built by using the + / - 55,000 m3 of stone. Building up to this high peak is 42m, with a base width 123 m. Portrait and solid tower and part of the history of the century was the age of 12. When would this temple was founded is not known with certainty. The absence of evidence is the Borobudur full darkness. Determination of age is done with attention to the basic pattern of temples and carvings that show patterns 8 Central Java century BC. 

Since built on the 8 th century, the history of Borobudur relief drowned. Once completed, Borobudur be the central research and development of Buddhist religion. This embraces the religion, to learn to visit Borobudur Buddhist religion. The entire series of reliefs of Borobudur contains teachings Buddhist religion. At the time the building became the center of attention Borobudur and adored as a sacred building.

However, it does not take long. Along with the Buddhist religion reflux, Borobudur left the followers. After the dynasty Cailendra (Caila = mountain, Indra = king) vanish, Borobudur no news news. Many centuries Borobudur darkness closed. Does not have any posts or news of Borobudur. 

Along with moving the center of the kingdom of central Java to West Java, Borobudur become practical slipshod again. Former gray volcanic eruptions that Borobudur tuck into media for growing grass and shrub. Small trees begin to grow the Borobudur switch form a pile of stone that closed shrub and appear so terrible to make people afraid to approach. but at this time Borobudur is one of the attractions of a favorite domestic and international tourists.

One thing that is unique, that this temple appeared to have a format with interesting architecture or mathematics is structured. bagain each foot, the body and the head temple always has a comparison of 4:6:9. Placement-placement stupa also has a distinctive meaning, more of the estimated relief berkatian with astronomy makes Borobudur is the evidence of history interesting to the observed. One of the results of this can be read on the site "In Pursuit of Sacred Science: Architectural Survey of the rectangular Terrace Levels" by Mark Long.

various source

Monday, March 30, 2009

work a real sense of humanity

merbabu > solar aid an institution that is moving the field of humanity, where the institution is home to many things, especially education and health. following 10 facts about solar, as listed on the website of solar aid

10 Facts about solar
1. The earth receives more energy from the sun in just one hour than the world uses in a whole year. That’s why SolarAid believes solar power is so important for development.

2. Two billion people in the world have no access to electricity. For most of them, solar power would be their cheapest electricity source, but they cannot afford it. SolarAid helps to redress this through small-scale solar projects for poor communities.

3. Building a small solar charger for a radio can cost around £5 and can sell for three times the price in Malawi. That’s why SolarAid is helping rural villages in Malawi set up small solar businesses so they can earn a living.

4. SolarAid is the only UK charity specialising in solar energy for poor countries.

5. Most rural poor in Africa use kerosene lamps, which are heavily polluting in CO2 and bad for their health, but a solar lamp would be cheaper and better for the environment.

6. Solar panels are guaranteed typically for 25 years and have a life expectancy of at least 50 years.

7. Lack of access to affordable electricity is a major cause of poverty in rural areas in Africa, which is why SolarAid focuses on these regions, using solar power for education and health.

8. Africa has the lowest fossil energy use of any world region, yet the continent is the most vulnerable to climate change. Signs of a changing climate have already emerged there: disease and melting glaciers in the mountains, rising temperatures in drought-prone areas, and sea-level rise and coral bleaching along the coastlines.

9. Respiratory diseases caused by toxic smoke from cooking fires kill 1.5 million women and children each year. Yet a solar cooker, which is much safer, can be easily built from cardboard and waste reflective material.

10. SolarAid is a unique charity that has been set up to help fight climate change and global poverty at the same time.

and you can participate, provided the donations to them.


merbabu > tragedy of hunger

civil war that often occurs, make a lot of suffering. especially hunger. and children, which is always the most victims. below some images of war's impact.

under the same sun

I saw the morning
It was shattered by a gun
Heard a scream, saw him fall, no one cried
I saw a mother
She was praying for her son
Bring him back, let him live, don't let him die

Do you ever ask yourself
Is there a Heaven in the sky
Why can't we get it right

'cause we all live under the same sun
We all walk under the same moon
Then why, why can't we live as one 

I saw the evening 
Fading shadows one by one
We watch the lamb, lay down to the sacrifice
I saw the children
The children of the sun
How they wept, how they bled, how they died

Do you ever ask yourself
Is there a Heaven in the sky
Why can't we stop the fight

'cause we all live under the same sun
We all walk under the same moon
Then why, why can't we live as one 

Sometimes I think I'm going mad
We're loosing all we had and no one seems to care
But in my heart it doesn't change
We've got to rearrange and bring our world some love

And does it really matter 
If there's a heaven up above
We sure could use some love

'cause we all live under the same sun
We all walk under the same moon
Then why, why can't we live as one 
'cause we all live under the same sky
We all look up at the same stars
Then why, tell me why can't we live as one


Sunday, March 29, 2009

list of hotels in solo

merbabu > list of hotels in solo

1. hotel **** 


Jl. Laksda AdiSucipto Solo 

TELP 0271-724500. FAX 0271-724400

Jl. Gajah mada No. 32 

Jl. Sugiyopranoto No. 20 

Jl. Slamet Riyadi 274 

Jl. Jend. Ahmad Yani 43 

2. Hotel ***

Jl. Dr. Muwardi No. 44 

Jl. BrigJen. Slamet Riyadi 201 

Jl. BrigJen. Slamet Riyadi  

Jl. BrigJen. Slamet Riyadi 365

3. Hotel **

Jl. Hasanudin No. 116 

Jl. Setyabudi, Gilingan 

Jl. Jend Ahmad Yani 290 

Jl. Sutowijoyo No. 45 

Jl. BrigJen. Slamet Riyadi 173 

4. Hotel *

Jl. Monginsidi 1 

Jl. BrigJen. Slamet Riyadi 287 

JL. Gajah mada No. 30 

Jl. Ir. Sutami No. 64 

Jl. Veteran 286 

Monday, March 23, 2009

krakatau II

anak krakatau

merbabu > wikipedia's source, the peak Krakatau eruption lasted two days, since August 26 August 27 noon to noon. Initial explosion itself is starting three weeks earlier, 20 May 1883.

Matter of volcanoes, Indonesia is great.
Two mountain eruption in Indonesia is ranked 1 and 2 as the most off the explosion throughout history.

Krakatau eruption on 26-27 August 1883 reached volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI) 6 / Colossal. Victims reached 36,417 people (official Dutch records), including all 3 thousand inhabitants sebesi island and about a thousand people on the beach Rather, Lampung, which is seared by the hot cloud Krakatau (Pyroclastic_flow), the rest is indirect, such as the tsunami. The number of victims is already 3 percent of the world population was around 1.25 million.
VEI 6 occurred around once a century, has occurred 11 times since going Christian.

mounth tambora

Four times more powerful is the Krakatau eruption of Mount Tambora eruption on 10-11 April 1815 reached a VEI 7 / Super-Colossal. Victims of more than 71 thousand people, including more than 11 thousand inhabitants live by letusannya. The number of victims is already 7 percent of the world population was not 1 million. Impact of climate change on the explosion in such a great year so that the historical record in 1816 as the year without summer.
VEI 7 going around once a millennium, recent 2-Christian times since.

the rest of the Toba eruption.

If the extended coverage, there is one more eruption of a mountain in the more powerful of them, namely Mount Toba eruption that occurred 73 Ka (Killo Annum) BP (Before Present), which reached VEI 9 / mega-colossal. VEI 9 occurred less than 10 millennium, the new 2 occurs 100 times in the last millennium.

Krakatau explosion is still less than the eruption of Mount Toba and Mount Tambora in Indonesia, Gunung Tanpo in New Zealand and Mt Katmal in Alaska. However, these mountains in the remote detonate the human population is very small. Meanwhile, when Mount Krakatau erupt, the human population is dense enough, science and technology has developed, is found telegraph, and cable have been installed under the sea. Thus it can be said that while information technology is growing and developing rapidly. 

Noted that the eruption of Mount Krakatau is the first great disaster in the world after the invention of telegraph under the sea. Progress is, unfortunately, has not been offset by progress in the field of geology. The geologist was not even able to give explanations on the explosion is.

map indonesian volcanoes

- / wiki / Krakatoa
- / wiki / Volcanic_Explosivity_Index
- / wiki / List_of_deadliest_natural_disasters
- / wiki / Pyroclastic_flow
- / wiki / World_population
- / wiki / Year_Without_a_Summer

Friday, March 20, 2009

karakatau / krakatoa I

krakatau at night day

merbabu >  on 27 August 1883 at 10:20 WIB one quarter of a century ago, in 1883, a volcano erupt in the Sunda. Mount Krakatau (Krakatoa call the west) at that time that dangle on the island of Krakatau spew anger with strength equivalent to 200 megaton TNT. Know the origin, the amount of TNT is equivalent to 13,000 times Little Boy, the atomic bomb on Hiroshima Japan crush on in 1945. Really terrible.

Virulence Krakatau eruption can be seen also from the number of victims killed. As many as 36,417 people stretch the life of the blast, 165 settlements from the surface of the earth, lost, and 132 villages destroyed. Krakatau eruption trigger also feels that the occurrence of tsunami to the west coast of Hawaii and the United States, a distance that for many unprecedented as far. Ships that are in South Africa seems to float because of the tsunami that from this end of the island of Java.

The record made Krakatau: the sound explosion sound to the East Perth in the distance of 3110 kilometers and at the western population in Rodrigues, Mauritius near the 5000 km distance could hear the sound Krakatau eruption. This means that the population around the eighth planet earth can hear Krakatau are terrible rage.

krakatau at afternoon

After the explosion, the planet had a dark gray closed vulaknis covering the atmosphere. sunlight is not able to penetrate the thickness of dust fly. Know the origin, Krakatau up 25 cubic kilometers of stone and ash into the air.

london news

ENTRY photos that decorate this is from the Illustrated London News published on 8 September 1883 (you can buy a replica of the newspaper front page is worth 184 dollars on Amazon). Meanwhile in 1927 a mountain of birth of the former location of Mount Krakatau. He called the Son of Krakatau.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

merapi II

the peak of Merapi in 1930

Merapi at this time

merbabu >  This is one of the mountain, the most active of the world. because until now Merapi continues to show activity.
Throughout its history, has been estimated at Merapi erupt more than 100 times. Start sometime It erupts. However, after a tradition in Indonesia in the century-5, in the new century-9 have important information about the eruption of Merapi is very large. Previously, experts estimate it is only suspected based on the sediment (soil layer)
Then, about eleven centuries past, standing in a large kingdom, Mataram (Hindu). Because the king Rakai Sumba Dyah wawa ended with the sudden, experts connect to the eruption of Merapi.

Merapi refugees 1961

According to RW van Bemmelen in his book The Geology of Indonesia (1949), very extraordinary explosion and cause most of the peak of Merapi vanish, even layer of soil will erase southwest fold increase, among others, formed the Mount Gendol. Burst is also accompanied by an earthquake, flood lava, ash and rain, and stones that chilling (Indonesian National History II, 1985, pp. 155).
This natural disaster, as determined by the archeologists Boechari-deep-field epigraphy can damage the capital of Medang settlements and some areas in Central Java. By the community, this is called pralaya disaster or destruction of the world. Major disaster in a century which is estimated to Mataram in the 9-to-10.
Which implied, Rukam inscription (Saka 829 or 907 BC) mentioned the dedication Rukam village by Nini Haji Rakryan Sanjiwana the village affected volcanic eruptions. Most likely, the volcano Merapi. This is because the inscription found in the area Rukam Temanggung, Central Java.
Maybe going back to the 1672 eruption. Babad Tanah manuscript classic cow say so, "At the same time with the eruption of Merapi, intimidating bluster. Mixed with a large stone fly collide fire. If observed, such as hail. Lava flows in the river quickly. Many villages were destroyed and buried. Many people died in rural areas, people who fear lunge Mataram hot lava and ash rain "(Bambang Soelist, 2002).

victims of Merapi in 1930

Due to the eruption, the sky above the kingdom of Mataram (Islam) according to the newspaper darkness for 24 hours. Events occurred on August 4, 1672, when the property in the Netherlands Marken ship in the Indian Ocean, south Kedu. Merapi eruption 3000 people eat the victim, not including the rice fields, gardens, and other property (djulianto susiantio 2006)

soekarno see the victim in selo, Boyolali

How terrible disaster Merapi first epoch, among others recorded impressions of the findings Sambisari temple (8th century). The temple is located some kilometers from Prambanan Temple is found in the depth of about seven meters. 
Because the forms are still relatively intact, the person interpreting the earthquake is not due to the close, but the material that cover the mountain of fire. 
From the results of research material comes from vulkanik materials. Thus clearly Merapi eruption so powerful, especially if be, the location Sambisari temple is located in the radius of a dozen kilometers from Merapi. 
In addition Sambisari, temple-temple that had been the victim of Merapi is Kajangkoso, Asu, Pendem, Gebang, Morangan, Kedulan, Purwomartani, and Pacitan. 
Many objects arkeologis also been found from around Merapi. Not be denied, many times Merapi eruption was bury ancient cities in the surrounding areas. Unfortunately, until now the archeologists have not been found ancient cities that. 
Kendalanya is that many sites have been closed land settlements, plantations, and rice field population. Therefore, the urban research sites need financing and time is very large. This is because the urban areas to find the site, archeologists have to do ekskavasi horizontally and bulk. 

various sources

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


keris is traditional weapon in indonesia.  esppecially the island of java and bali. keris from java usually smaller in size compared with the keris from bali. to this keris is still a mandatory equipment for the public, ussualy for the purpose of the event as well as custom clothing accessories. even many people assume that the keris has magical power inside.

for some people, the keris should be treated according to the rules. keris is ussualy hereditary and other objects will be clear on certain days (ussualy sura). and in the solo in sura, surakarta palace will make the washing keris involving all section of the community .

in surakarta and surrounding areas, ussualy months sura is a sacred time, because in this society that many believed if they can not perform weddings. because they believe in this mounth, the queen sea south are married. because if they still carry the event, they will have a divorce and will always by accident. 

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

destination solo and the surrounding


tawangmangu in karanganyar located, is a place of beautiful natural attactions on the slopes of mounth lawu. harmonize with the natural beauty of cool air make this place much visited by tourist. some place are very reasonable are tourism destination in this area and its surrounding areas, among others grojogan sewu (natural water falls), cemara sewu (the borders of central java and east java), hilly area tlogodlingo, amusement parks, traditional market tawangmangu, camping area and flower gardens.  

Grojokansewu ( natural waterfalls)

located at an altitude of 1,100 meters above the sea water. panorama natural waterfall at 81 meters is in the middle of a protected forest in habited by monkeys are tame animals, this area is very knowledgeable and cool. complete with recreational facilities such as the familiy swimming poll with natural circulation water,  camping area, recreational park, souvenirs shop, restaurant.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

batik solo

a city of solo in central java which is still sticky with javanese culture. solo slogan with the spirit of java. solo has continued to maintain and preverse the culture of java.  one of them is batik, batik solo which has characteristics which are different from batik from other regions.

batik solo style and have a patternthat still used them were, the pattern " sidomukti " and " sidoluhur " . gain is still often used in certain events such as weddings and events held by the surakarta palace hadiningrat.

two batik centre where  the most famous solo in the batik kauman and laweyan. batik are the biggest sales are in the market side by side klewer the surakarta palace hadiningrat.  klewer in this market every day the transaction occure more than 1,5 billion rupiah.

merapi I

mount merapi is one of the most active in the mountains indonesian, even the world.

old growth mount merapi in the early pleistocene that ended with the collapse of large building may be arround 2000 years ago. merapi last eruption occurred in 2006 ago. cause the victim soul 2 people volunteer mountain.

merapi mountain merbabu side by side with the north.  the southern boundary with yogyakarta,  west of the district magelang are just east of boyolali and klaten distict.

current status of mount merapi and merbabu change to national park of merapi. beside merbabu and merapi is one of the goals for the climber from all over the world, as have any attaction for the lovers the nature.