Tuesday, March 17, 2009


keris is traditional weapon in indonesia.  esppecially the island of java and bali. keris from java usually smaller in size compared with the keris from bali. to this keris is still a mandatory equipment for the public, ussualy for the purpose of the event as well as custom clothing accessories. even many people assume that the keris has magical power inside.

for some people, the keris should be treated according to the rules. keris is ussualy hereditary and other objects will be clear on certain days (ussualy sura). and in the solo in sura, surakarta palace will make the washing keris involving all section of the community .

in surakarta and surrounding areas, ussualy months sura is a sacred time, because in this society that many believed if they can not perform weddings. because they believe in this mounth, the queen sea south are married. because if they still carry the event, they will have a divorce and will always by accident. 

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